
  • B . Esteban Moreno Author
  • F. Garcia Marcos Author
  • R. Guisado Barrilao Author


 The bicycle is the machine one rides when practicing cycling. Therefore, it is indispensable to study the different parts of the bicycle in order to interpret biomechanical alterations and the possible injuries suffered when practicing this sport. The position on the bicycle is adapted to each rider according to this morphology but, so as to reach the total adjustment of the vehicle, one will start taking stable and given parameters, that is to say, from an adaptable structure with a power on the table bar with precise dimensions, from a width between handlebars aliened to his transversal shoulder perimeter and from a length of rod proportionate to his inferior train. These requirements fulfilled; one will be able to stablish the basic position on the bicycle.

The basial position on the bicycle to begin any type of action is submitted to a functional model type. If one considers fixed elements in the bicycle those that do not admit any modification as they are previously elected and mobile elements those that can be adjusted, the fitting of the bicycle to each cyclist is accomplished by regulating the saddle and the mamillar. Regulation of saddle: height, slope and anteroposterior flat. Regulation of handlebars: height.

Biomechanics of the spinal column in cycling

The cervical, dorsal and lumbar column constitute an inseparable functional set. The pain caused by contracture or overcharge of these muscles tends to be expressed at the back level. The position of the cyclist also overcharges the intervertebral disks. When pedaling, the pelvis is titled backwards because of the action of the extension muscles of the hip.

The particular position that cyclists are bended to adopt cause many of them to suffer vertebral pain. The origins of this pathology are diverse and most of them are due to deficient adjustment of «man par machine».

It also happens the same way with other regions of the locomotive system. Regarding the Kness, the most frequent pathologies are caused by wrong adjustment of «man par machine». Most of the tendinopathies are caused by overuse due to excessive or wrongly outlined regulations. 


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How to Cite

. Esteban Moreno, B., Garcia Marcos, F., & Guisado Barrilao, R. (1998). MOST COMMON CAUSES OF INJURY IN CYCLING. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 9(1), 66-81.