User satisfaction Physiotherapy in Primary Care


  • F Alcala Santiago. F isioterapeuta. D istrito Sanitaria de J aen. Servicio A ndaluz de Salud Author
  • D J Catalan Matamoros F isioterapeuta. E scucla Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad de A lmeria Author
  • R Gamiz Gordo F isioterapeuta. D istrito Sanitaria de J aen. Servicio A ndaluz de Salud Author
  • M A C Martin Sanchez F isioterapeuta. D istrito Sanitaria de J aen. Servicio A ndaluz de Salud Author


satisfaction, Physiotherapy, Primary Health Care.


Quality in health services is often evaluated by user's satisfaction surveys. In this article is studied the satisfaction level in the Physiotherapy Unit's users at the Health Centers in the Jaen Health District. So the aim is to assess whether the Physiotherapy Services in the Primary Health Care which bean by the Andalusien Health Service, and that are contemplated by the «Plan de apoyo a las familias andaluzas», are fit to the expectations and user's needs. The design is based in an observational and transversal model constituted by a sample of 118 users who have assisted to their Physiotherapy Unit corresponded to the Jaen Health District in order to receive treatment. For data collection, it was used a validated satisfaction as a tool consisted in a close and estimated questionnaire composed by 33 items. It was randomised and given to the users after ending the Physiotherapy intervention from 1st of june to 1st of September of 2004. Results show a «very good» and «good» professional and communicative relation between the physiotherapist and the user by indexes of received attention (88,1 %), environment at the Unit of Physiotherapy (100 %), received information (99,1 %), solved doubts (98,3 %) and useful suggestions (94 %). Despite of the good results, still 1 of every 10 thinks that the waiting time are very longs. The 72 % were derived to the Physiotherapy Service by the Rehabilitation Specialist Medical Doctor from the regional Hospital that shows still the existence of a big unknown and almost inexistent use of the different ways of user's derivation to the Service of Physiotherapy, and that contemlates the «Guia de Procedimientos de Rehabilitacidn y Fisioterapia» of the «Consejeria de Salud» of the «Junta de Andaluc(a». In general, results were very positive due to the level of general satisfaction about the attention received in the Unit of Physiotherapy being «very good» and «good» by the 100 % of the study sample.


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How to Cite

Alcala Santiago., F., Catalan Matamoros, D. J., Gamiz Gordo, R., & Martin Sanchez, M. A. C. (2006). User satisfaction Physiotherapy in Primary Care. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 33(1), 74-81.