Sustainable Customer Behavior: Factors Affecting Purchasing Decisions When Using Food Delivery Apps and its Impact on Psychological Convenience


  • Hayoung Bang Student, Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea Autor/a
  • Daeho Lee Professor, Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea Autor/a
  • Jungwoo Nam Student, Department of Human Artificial Intelligence Interaction, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea Autor/a

Palabras clave:

food delivery app; customer acquisition strategy; utilitarian value; price-saving; time-saving; convenience; variety of food, churn customer, user experience


The growth of e-commerce is driven by advancements in digital technology, enabling consumers to purchase products conveniently and easily access services. It is widely recognized that utilitarian value significantly influences the decision to continue using applications. However, online shoppers engage in various actions. Therefore, this study prompts the need to explore how utilitarian value influences various facets of online shopping behavior and intentions, particularly in preventing customer churn. This study endeavors to elucidate the factors influencing consumers' perceived value, specifically in the context of continued usage of food delivery applications. Moreover, this research identifies price-saving, time-saving, convenience, and food variety as pivotal variables driving user engagement with food delivery platforms. Employing utilitarian value as a mediator, the study assesses its impact on three distinct intentions. A survey encompassing 334 users of a leading food delivery app was conducted. Our findings underscore the positive influence of convenience and timesaving on utilitarian value, which positively mediates usage intentions. The analysis reveals that utilitarian value positively affects concurrent and continuous usage intentions while negatively impacting cessation intentions. This study furnishes a conceptual model for future food delivery app research and offers valuable insights for business strategists. 


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Cómo citar

Bang, H., Lee, D., & Nam, J. (2024). Sustainable Customer Behavior: Factors Affecting Purchasing Decisions When Using Food Delivery Apps and its Impact on Psychological Convenience. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 53(02), 89-104.