Physiotherapy in the syndrome of the carpal tiinel


  • C. Pena Algaba Fisiotcrapeuta del Hospital de Fremap. Colaborador dinico del Area de Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • M. Fernandez Rabadan Fisiotcrapeuta del Hospital de Fremap. Colaborador dinico del Area de Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • I. Sibajas Chicon Fisiotcrapeuta del Hospital de Fremap. Colaborador dinico del Area de Fisiotera¬ pia de la Universidad de Sevilla Author


Carpal tunnel syndrome, etiopathogeny, narrowness, Physiotherapy


 In this article it's exposed the study about carpal tunnel's syndrome, pathology that joins sensitive, motor and trophic symptoms and which represents the more frequent affection of nervous compression by narrowness.

It's extended to the clinical and differential diagnosis, etiopathogeneses, symptomatology and treatment of this syndrome, based on wisdom, effectiveness and innocuousness, premises that we believe necessaries in a teamwork, to obtain a recovered hand as functional as before suffering the trouble.

In this cross-disciplinary work, the posoperatoria Physiotherapy plays an important paper to get an advantageous evolution of the affected hand and a precocious functional re-establishment of it so that it's been integrated into a sociolabour field. 


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How to Cite

Pena Algaba, C., Fernandez Rabadan, M., & Sibajas Chicon, I. (2000). Physiotherapy in the syndrome of the carpal tiinel. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 13(1), 66-78.