Physiotherapy in the patient on cardiac pathologist


  • J F Medina Falcon Fisioterapeuta. Hospital Insular de las Palmas de G. C. Author
  • M E Medina Rodriguez Profesora Asociada. Area de Fisioterapia. U. L. P G. Author
  • A Gil Bolanos Profesora Asociada. Area de Fisioterapia. U. L. P G. Author


Heart pathology, miocardial infarction, Physiotherapy.


 By means of this work we seek to point out the importance that plays the Physiotherapy in this new field of performance that the heart pathologies are, more and more frequent in our industrialized and competitive society. In the same one, we embrace the introduction, the historical evolution, the diffe¬
ent studies that have facilitated in certain way a new conception in the treatment and an integral boarding of these pathologies by means of the Physiotherapy.
 Then we try to deepen in the boarding of the same ones from their entrance in the hospital, until reaching the physical, social, labor state and possible better relative that it takes to the patient to get a pleasant and productive life again in many cases.
  We not seek alone to transmit our particular form, shared by other partners, of approaching these pathologies, but also to promote the integral and multidisciplinar treatment of these sick persons.


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How to Cite

Medina Falcon, J. F., Medina Rodriguez, M. E., & Gil Bolanos, A. (1999). Physiotherapy in the patient on cardiac pathologist. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 12(1), 43-53.