Influence of postural treatment during intrapleural urokinase administration in patients with empyema


  • D Prieto Aimeda Fisioterapeuta. H ospital Universitario R eina Sofia. Cordoba Author
  • E Garcia Garcia Fisioterapeuta. H ospital Universitario R eina Sofia. Cordoba Author
  • M Mejias Ruiz Fisioterapeuta. H ospital Universitario R eina Sofia. Cordoba Author
  • J Rebollo Roldan Profesor Titular de F isioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • M A T. Munoz Garcia Fisioterapeuta. H ospital Universitario R eina Sofia. Cordoba Author
  • F Ruiz Dorado Fisioterapeuta. H ospital Universitario R eina Sofia. Ctirdoba Author


Pleural empyema; thoracic urokinase; postural treatment; chest physiotherapy; pleural drainage.


 Objetives: We pretend to know the influence of postural treatment in the solution of pleural em¬ pyema class 5-6 (according to Light) and treated with pleural drainage, chest phisiotherapy and intra¬ pleural administration of urokinasa.  Experimental Group: They received postural treatment during the permanence of the fibrinolytic in the pleural cavity.
Control Group: They followed the ruled treatment by the doctor but without postural treatment.
  Results: The study result prove a clearly trend to decrease the average time as much permanence of pleural drainage days like hospitalization days.
— Experimental Group: Permanence of pleural drainage days average 8.77; hospitalization days
average 15.7; surgical operation 1 patient.
 — Control group: Permanence of pleural drainage days average 9.55; hospitalization days average 22.7; surgical operation 1 patient.


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How to Cite

Prieto Aimeda, D., Garcia Garcia, E., Mejias Ruiz, M., Rebollo Roldan, J., T. Munoz Garcia, M. A., & Ruiz Dorado, F. (2000). Influence of postural treatment during intrapleural urokinase administration in patients with empyema. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 15(1), 07-13.