Proprioceptive Reeducation The articulation of the rodyly


  • L Fabre Galisteo Fiisioterapeuta. Centro de F isioterapia K inesis Center Sevilla Author
  • L Serrano Polo Fisioterapeuta. Centro de F isioterapia K inesis Center Sevilla Author
  • M RomerO Piniella F isioterapeuta. Centro de E ducation E special «Escucla Tramontana». Sant F eliu de L lobregat. B arcelona Author


Propioception, knee, reeducation, treatment.


Sequels caused in the knee joint due to periods of lesions or inmobilization as well as relapses of le¬
ions and the chronic inflammatory alterations produced by arthrosis, drive us to insist on the benefits of propioceptive reeducation from the primary stages of treatment.
  Integrating propioception as an important part of the functional recuperation and not as an acce-sory, help us to stablish correctly the motor programs lost by the lesions, and even more when we bear in mind that the motor action of the lower limb is predominantly of the automatic and reflex type.
  In this article we expose the charasteristics of propioceptive reeducation practice in the knee joint, examining the physiologic mechanisms that allow it, the modalities of performance and their basic pat¬
erns. To illustrate it, we show a series of propioceptive criteria which implies weight bearing and different positions that the patient can adopt.


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How to Cite

Fabre Galisteo, L., Serrano Polo, L., & RomerO Piniella, M. (2001). Proprioceptive Reeducation The articulation of the rodyly. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 16(1), 51-64.