Role of Physiotherapy The treatment of dysmenorrhea primary


  • B Garcia Hurtado F isioterapeuta. Colahoiadora del area de F isioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • C Suarez Serrano F isioterapeuta. Colahoi adora del A rea de F isioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • J Rebollo Roldan Profesor Titular. Area de Fisioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • M Rebollo Salas Profesor Asociado. Area de Fisioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author
  • A de Vicente Perez Profesor Asociado. Area de Fisioterapia. Universidad de Sevilla Author


Dysmenorrhoea; woman; Physical therapy.


 This work tries to show and develop the fundamental role whide Physiotherapy has in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea, one of the most frequent gynaecological alterations and, probably, the main cau¬
e of labour absenteeism or decrease in the efficiency of women at work, due to its monthly nature and the temporary disablement that it can cause.
  Here are exposed, among other things, the differences between primary and secondary dysmeno¬
rhoea, the most common accompanying symptoms, some interesting recomendations, as well as the cross-disciplinary treatment, which a woman who suffers painful menstruations can profit from.


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How to Cite

Garcia Hurtado, B., Suarez Serrano, C., Rebollo Roldan, J., Rebollo Salas, M., & de Vicente Perez, A. (2001). Role of Physiotherapy The treatment of dysmenorrhea primary. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 16(1), 38-50.