Implications of the model and Evidence-based Physiotherapy


  • J Montilla Herrador F isiotcrapeuta. P rofesor del D epartamento de F isioterapia. Universidad de M urcia Author
  • F Medina i Mirapeix F isiotcrapeuta. P rofesor del D epartamento de F isioterapia. Universidad de M urcia Author
  • J F Valera Garrido Fisiotcrapeuta Author
  • A B Meseguer Henarejos F isiotcrapeuta. P rofesor del D epartamento de F isioterapia. Universidad de M urcia Author
  • P Escolar Reina Fisiotcrapeuta Author


Evidence-based clinical practice, implications, Physical therapy


 The model denominated evidence-based clinical practice intends to integrate the clinical experience and the reasoning physiopatological (traditional model) with the preferences of the patients, and the best external scientific evidence. In this article the application phases are described, the reasons that will facilitate their development in the Physical Therapy in Spain and the implications that it bears the model's change on the organization of the necessary formation to transmit it and on the organization of the practice of the Physical Therapy.


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How to Cite

Montilla Herrador, J., Medina i Mirapeix, F., Valera Garrido, J. F., Meseguer Henarejos, A. B., & Escolar Reina, P. (2001). Implications of the model and Evidence-based Physiotherapy. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 16(1), 06-13.