Efficacy of the cervical extension vibrating apparatus in the treatment of patients with cervical spondylosis


  • K Gieremek Fisioterapeuta. Institute) de la Terapia Fisica, AWF Katowice, Polonia. Author
  • E Saulicz Fisioterapeuta. Director de Instituto de Kinesiterapia, AWF Katowice, Polonia Author
  • A Pilat Fisioterapeuta. Colegio Universitario «Cecilio Acosta», Caracas, Venezuela. Author
  • D Molicka Fisioterapeuta. Instituto de Kinesiterapia, AWF Katowice, Polonia. Author


Cervical spondylosis, Physiotherapy, vibratory cervical tra


 The examinations included 68 persons with discopathy and/or spondyloartrosis diagnosis of the neck-section of the spine, and among whom the presence of a brachial neuralgia on different intensity levels. From amongst the tested, two groups were formed: a 34 experimental group and a 34-control group. Patients from the experimental group, besides a therapy consisting of typical physiotherapeutic treatment program were additionally introduced to a originally constructed Glisson type cervical tractor with a built-in mechanism for emitting mechanical vibracions. The traction with a constant force additionally enriched by a vibratory massage with frequency up to 100 Hz and amplitude 0,2 mm.
Close and distant effects of therapy in both tested groups were judged on the basis of a series of object tests with a special regard towards mobility indicators and pain symptoms.
The results indicate that the vibratory cervical traction is well tolerated by patients with neck spondylosis and gives measurable therapeutic results.


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How to Cite

Gieremek, K., Saulicz, E., Pilat, A., & Molicka, D. (2003). Efficacy of the cervical extension vibrating apparatus in the treatment of patients with cervical spondylosis. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 22(1), 27-34. http://cuestionesdefisioterapia.es/index.php/cf/article/view/420