Physiotherapy Diagnosis


  • J Romero Porcel Fisioterapeuta Hospital General Bdsico de Mobil Author
  • J M Brandi de la Torre Fisioterapeuta Hospital General Bdsico de Motril Author


C.I.D.D.M., contract by objectives, diagnosis of Physical Therapist, O.M.S., protocol of Heerkens.


 With this article we want to facilitate the work of all Physical Therapist, transforming the Physical Therapist Diagnosis into the angular stone of its work, which will be used for the accomplishment as a therapeutic plan and model to us to help us in the attainment of objectives that we have been formulated through the contract by objectives with the patient. Also, the Diagnosis of Physical Therapist, interprofessional and interprofessional will ensure communications to us through a common language, for which we recommended the use of the C.I.D.D.M. that the O.M.S. published in agreement with resolution WHA 29,35 of the World-wide Assembly of the Health of 1976.


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How to Cite

Romero Porcel, J., & Brandi de la Torre, J. M. (2005). Physiotherapy Diagnosis. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 28(1), 07-26.