Simultaneous use of currents analgesics and passive kinesitherapy in fracture rehabilitation radial. About a clinical case


  • D Carmona Varon Fisiotcrapeuta. Hospital Santa Barbara de Pucrtollano. Ciudad Real Author
  • I J Martinez Sempere Fisiotcrapeuta de Ejercicio Libre. Granada Author


case study, fractures of radius, range to articulate, conventional TENS.


This clinical case describes a different form of confronting the rehabilitation of a fracture of the head of the radius; the difference is in the simultaneous use of two techniques that you are usually used in an independent way: conventional TENS and passive kinetic therapy.  With this work methodology, the range to articulate gotten in a period of three weeks of daily treatment, it was almost four times superior to the one obtained during one month with these two same techniques but applying them for separate.
  In the article the description of the pathology is also included, together with the static valuation and the patient's dynamics, as well as the diagnostic of physical therapist and the therapeutic objectives to complete to short, to half and long term.


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How to Cite

Carmona Varon, D., & Martinez Sempere, I. J. (2006). Simultaneous use of currents analgesics and passive kinesitherapy in fracture rehabilitation radial. About a clinical case. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 32(1), 72-83.