Integrative model to evaluate the effectiveness f physiotherapy interventions on deterioration f function related quality of life


  • B Alonso-Cortés Fradejas Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Grupo de Investigación Salud, Bienestar y Sostenibilidad Socio-Sanitaria. niversidad de León. León. España Author
  • R González-Cabanach Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Grupo de Investigación Intervención Psicosocial y Rehabili-tación Funcional. Universidad de A Coruña. A Coruña. España Author
  • J Seco-Calvo Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Grupo de Investigación Phys Ther. IBIOMED. Universidad de León. León. spaña Author


model, integrator, Physiotherapy, quality of life, function, risk.


 As elements involving the collective within the actions of prevention oriented by physiotherapy professionals, we can find the promoting actions, which should specify the conceptual models that are based on. Our proposal comes from this previous premise and is called «Integrative Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Interventions on Function-Related Quality of Life», whose main objective is to help guide the selection of both out-comes and therapeutic strategies, projects arising from physiotherapy, in certain types of contexts (informal care, chronic patient care, etc. ). This model is based on two main principles: the expansion of the models based on the functioning of individuals with different conditions -including those with no clear diagnosis of deterioration/dysfunction- and the complementarity towards experiences more «human» and close to «philosophical» perspectives such as quality of life and well-being. Not surprisingly, this model is under discussion, since it suggests the development of physiotherapy interventions which help to reduce/control said deterioration -or to prevent its risk of occurrence-based on features such as increasing the resources of individuals and/or mitigating their vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Alonso-Cortés Fradejas , B., González-Cabanach , R., & Seco-Calvo , J. (2016). Integrative model to evaluate the effectiveness f physiotherapy interventions on deterioration f function related quality of life. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 45(2), 71-81.