Diacutaneous fibrolysis: A case


  • C Loro Farrera Fisioterapeuta. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza Author
  • M O Lucha Lopez Profesor asociado. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza Author
  • S Caudevilla Polo Fisioterapeuta. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza Author
  • E Marin Martinez Fisioterapeuta. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza Author
  • J M TricaS Moreno Profesor titular. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza Author
  • E Estebanez de Miguel Fisioterapeuta. Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Zaragoza. Author


Diacutaneous fibrolysis, physical therapy, fracture, functional capacity.


 In this article it's been made in the first place a little theoretic exposition of the diacutaneous fibrolysis and then it has been exposed a clinic case which have been treated with the help of this technique.
  The clinic case is a patient who had a threemaleolar fracture of the left ankle. After the immobilization of the articulation, the patient suffers a functional deficit as well as trophic disturbances consequence of a dystrophy.
  It has been made a treatment during seven weeks. This treatment includes electrotherapy, criothe-rapy, masotherapy, cinesitherapy and diacutaneous fibrolysis.
  At the end of the treatment the functional capacity was similar in both inferior members ant the pain and the trophic disturbs disappeared.


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How to Cite

Loro Farrera, C., Lucha Lopez, M. O., Caudevilla Polo, S., Marin Martinez, E., TricaS Moreno, J. M., & Estebanez de Miguel, E. (2000). Diacutaneous fibrolysis: A case. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 14(1), 13-20. http://cuestionesdefisioterapia.es/index.php/cf/article/view/491