Agreement between evaluators. Methodology for unifying diagnostic criteria


  • M Martinez-Gonzalez Departamento de F isioterapia. Universidad de M urcia Author
  • A Gomez Conesa Departamento de F isioterapia. Universidad de M urcia Author
  • M A D Hidalgo Montesinos Departamento de P sicologia B asicay M etodologia. Universidad de Murcia Author


Diagnosis, evaluation, physiotherapy, inter-observer.


The present study tests a method to improve the ratio of agreement between physiotherapists in the execution and interpretation of diagnostic tests.
  During three simulated sessions, two inexperienced physiotherapists were trained by experts in proce¬
ures of the evaluation of motor-skills. Later, under natural conditions the inexperienced physiotherapists simultaneously and independently observed, evaluated and registered the execution of four motor-skills tests (co-ordination, flexibility and two balance tests), undertaken by 11 subjects.
  The ratio of agreement between the inexperienced physiotherapists in the evaluation made under the natural conditions was analyzed using correlation coefficients. The resulting scores (co-ordination, r = 1,flexibility, r = 0,975, two balance tests, r = 0,921 and r = 0,832) show that the ratio of agreement bet¬
een the appraisers was high in all the tests carried out. We consider that our intervention has been ef¬
ective for this reason.


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How to Cite

Martinez-Gonzalez, M., Gomez Conesa, A., & Hidalgo Montesinos, M. A. D. (2000). Agreement between evaluators. Methodology for unifying diagnostic criteria. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 14(1), 06-12.