Pain syndrome of the greater trochanter of myofascial origin: a study of two cases


  • J L Bartolome Martin Fisioterapeuta. Profesor Colaborador del Departamento de Fisioterapia de la Facidtad de Medicina de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Madrid Author
  • A L Rodriguez Fernandez Fisioterapeuta. Profesor Colaborador del Departamento de Fisioterapia de la Facidtad de Medicina de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Madrid. Author


pain syndrome, great trochanter, trochanteric bursitis, myofascial pain syndrome.


It is relatively frequent the diagnostic confusion, in the case of trochanteric pain, between the en¬
ity known as great trochanteric pain syndrome, frequently caused by the inflammation of the tro¬
hanteric bursa, and the myofascial syndrome caused by trigger points of some muscles as such: qua-dratus lumborum, gluteal muscles, piriformis, tensor fasciae latae or vastus lateralis.
  This study shows two clinical cases with such mistake in the diagnostic and its evolution after a co¬
rect evaluation of the patients, considering the differential diagnostic.
  The difference in the recuperation time, when the myofascial pain is identified correctly as the ori¬
in of the problem, shows us the need of consider this cause in the exploration of the trochanteric syndrome.


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How to Cite

Bartolome Martin, J. L., & Rodriguez Fernandez, A. L. (2005). Pain syndrome of the greater trochanter of myofascial origin: a study of two cases. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 30(1), 18-23.