Importance of the role of pelvic floor musculoconnective tissue and its therapeutic approach in the Prevention of Urinary Incontinentia of Genuine Exertion n the young woman


  • J C Fernandez Dominguez. Diplomado en Fisioterapia. Especialista cn Reeducacidn Neuromiostdtica visceral. Profesor titular de la Escuela de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia de la Universitat de les Illes alears, Palma de Mallorca. Baleares Author
  • M Caufriez Licenciado en Kinesiterapia. Profesor de la Escuela de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Profesor de posgrado de la Universidad Gimbernat (UAB). Investigador del Laboratorio de Fisiologia ocupacional y del entorno de la Comunidad francesa de Belgica (HEPHS_ISEK). Bruselas. Bdgica. Profesor de la Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Bruselas. Bdgica Author
  • K Ruiz Lopez Diplomada en Fisioterapia. Especialista en Reeducacidn Neuromiostdtica visceral. Fisioterapeuta del FL Son Dureta. Palma de Mallorca. Baleares Author
  • J Ruiz Rossello Doctor en Medicinay Cirugia. Cirujano general del HU Son Dureta. Unidad de Sudo Pdvico. Gabinete de Coloproctologia. Palma de Mallorca. Baleares Author


pelvic floor damage, puerperal prevention, delivery, epidemiology, stress urinary incon¬ inence, Physical therapy.


 Introduction and justification: urinary incontinence represents a real medical problem in current societies. Our goal is to determine the nowadays know-how about the stress urinary incontinence (lUEg) risk factors and to clarify the importance of the Conective tissue (CT) in its origin. Risk factors: it is considered that one the most important risk factors for the appearance of lUEg in young women is the parity, associated with a variety of neonatal and obstetric parameters. Analysis of pelvic floor CT in lUEg: although different contradictory analysis may be found, in many of them it is confirmed the presence of important qualitative and quantitative variations both collagen and elastin in
 CT. Posible damage in pelvic floor during vaginal delivery: vaginal delivery may cause neurological, muscular and CT injuries associated with the leg appearance, which however is usually spontaneously solved. Some real experiences have shown a symptomatic reappearance in a long-term basis, fact also confirmed by our own clinical observations. Therapy against CT damage: the effect may be caused by a lack of reconstruction of the CT associated with different factors. Despite of this, a relative lack of care about postpartum prevention and its relationship with the CT is definitively shown. Conclusions: specialized studies are needed about the specific preventive treatment against pelvic floor CT damage in post-childbirth.


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How to Cite

Fernandez Dominguez., J. C., Caufriez, M., Ruiz Lopez, K., & Ruiz Rossello, J. (2006). Importance of the role of pelvic floor musculoconnective tissue and its therapeutic approach in the Prevention of Urinary Incontinentia of Genuine Exertion n the young woman. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 31(1), 43-59.