Neck pain and the university population


  • J C Zuil Escobar P rofesor Colaborador. Universidad San P ablo-CEU Author
  • C Gonzalez-Herrera Lago Alumna del tercer curso de la Titulacidn en F isioterapia. Universdad San P ablo-CEU Author
  • M B Ruiz Fernandez F isioterapeuta. A lumna del tercer curso de la Titulacion en F isioterapia. Universidad San P ablo-CEU Author


cervical pain, pain, students, intensity of pain.


  Cervical pain is a problem that affects the great majority of the population, being one of the most frequent causes of labour loss.  The present study is based in its presence in the university population. The study has been caried out with a sample of 168 university students with ages between 18 and 50 years regarding the habits of life of each of them bu menas of a questionnaire, in order to find out the factors which may in¬
luence in this pathology.
  The results reveal the high prevalence of this problem, being sex an important factor since cervical pain is more frequent among women. Other factors related to the appearance of cervical pain are stress and the time uses during study. However, there are also other factors that can reduce its apparition, like the sport practice.
  These facts show that the students' habits of life can affect in a significant way the appearance of cervical pain and its evolution.


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How to Cite

Zuil Escobar, J. C., Gonzalez-Herrera Lago, C., & Ruiz Fernandez, M. B. (2006). Neck pain and the university population. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 32(1), 40-52.