Physiotherapy and pain after hip replacement


  • J C Zuil Escobar F isioterapeuta. P rofesor Colaborador del D epartamento de F isioterapia de la Facultad de M edicina de la Universidad San P ablo-CEU (Madrid) Author
  • C B Martinez Cepa F isioterapeuta. P rofesor Colaborador del D epartamento de F isioterapia de la F acultad de M edicina de la Universidad San P ablo-CEU (Madrid) Author


pain, arthroplasty, hip, Physical therapy.


Hip arthroplasty results to be one of the joints replacements more studied and used at the moment. Its indications are different, standing out the toxartrosis. In spite of the good results- both objective and subjective- that are obtained by its practice, certain complications can arise after hip arthroplasty. The presence of postoperative pain is one of them, which can impede the functional recovery of the hip arthroplasty replacement patient. The aim of this work is to value the efficiency of the diverse skills of physical therapy for the control of the pain, by means of bibliographical review in several data bases. A very limited number of articles that treat on this topic has been found. Besides, there does not exist clear evidence about how the cryotherapy, the manual therapy or the practice of physical exercise take part in the diminishing of the postoperative pain. Studies about the utility of other skills, as the electrotherapy or the hydrotherapy have not been found. These results point out the importance of being employed at this route, since the obtained results are not conclusive.


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How to Cite

Zuil Escobar, J. C., & Martinez Cepa, C. B. (2006). Physiotherapy and pain after hip replacement. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 32(1), 32-39.