Application Of Sohier’S Concept in Case Report of Post-Traumatic Cervicalgia


  • I Fuentes-Gallardo Fisioterapeuta. Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Atención Primaria. Madrid. España Author
  • E Cerezo-Téllez Fisioterapeuta. Unidad Docente Asistencial e Investigadora. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. España Author


Physical therapy, neck pain, physical therapy modalities, musculoskeletal manipulations.


Introduction: neck pain is cause of consultation in primary care physical therapy, frequently after receiving other treatments without any success. Objective: to test the effects of analytical mobilizations following Sohier’s concept in the case of a patient presenting neck pain. Case: female young patient with cervical sequelae after traffic accident without previous antecedents. The presence of movement barriers were quantified (MB), taking into account the sensation in movement limit, between first and second cervical vertebrae and between third and fourth and bet-ween fourth and fifth, the presence of nodules as a result of the spasmodic muscular contracture, as well as the presence of miofascial trigger points (MTrP) associated with chronic neck pain. During 5 sessions, articular incongruencies /discentered were reharmonized /corrected with Sohier´s concept techniques, MTrP were inactivated with deep dry needling and stretching, moreover associated musculature was balanced. Results: a diminution of pain and MB resolution were obtained between first and second cervical vertebrae and between fourth and fifth and an increasement of pain pressure threshold in MTrP. Conclusions: analytic physical therapy (Sohier´s concept), integrated with other techniques, implies an effective treatment in this case.


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How to Cite

Fuentes-Gallardo, I., & Cerezo-Téllez, E. (2011). Application Of Sohier’S Concept in Case Report of Post-Traumatic Cervicalgia. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 40(2), 132-138.