Related Variables Affecting Korean Adolescents to Intention Drop Out of School
Dropout Intention, Smartphone Overdependence, Emotion Regulation, Peer Relationship, School Life Satisfaction, Multiple Regression Analysis, Korean Adolescents, ego resilience program, self-esteem, career maturity, university studentsAbstract
In recent times, numerous Korean school students have been dropping out despite the decrease in the school-age population. This study aimed to determine whether smartphone addiction, peer relationships, school life satisfaction, and emotion regulation affect dropout intentions. The study participants were 823 adolescents (231 elementary, 267 middle, and 325 high school students) in Chungcheongnam-do province, South Korea. A survey was conducted using the Smartphone Overdependence Scale, Emotion Regulation Scale, Peer Relationship Scale, School Life Satisfaction Scale, and School Dropout Intention Scale. Data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, post-hoc test (Scheffé), Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that dropout intentions differed significantly according to school grade (elementary, middle, and high schools). Furthermore, smartphone overdependence, school life satisfaction, and emotion regulation significantly affected the intention to drop out. However,peer relationships did not have a significant effect. The explanatory power of the important variables expected to affect adolescents’ intentions to drop out differed between the results for all students and those for each school grade. This study contributes to establishing programs or policies to lower dropout intentions in the future by identifying variables that significantly impact adolescents’ intentions to drop out of school.
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